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view post Posted on 6/6/2009, 12:05

Lily Loveless Halton Community Radio Interview Transcript

O: Hi, this is Olly from HCR, and we’re talking to Lily

L: Hello.

O: Hello. Right, okay, so with Skins and all that…So your role in Skins was your TV debut wasn’t it? Was it a daunting prospect with Skins being so big with the, like, youth culture and all that?

L: Very. I was sure no one was going to like us. Cause I was a fan of the old cast myself.

O: yeah.

L: So when I heard they were getting a new cast, I was like, oh god that’s great (brave?)…and then I actually got put forward for the cast, and that was even more worrying, but with me, that’s been brilliant, much more than I expected.

O: Yeah, cause I got to admit, actually, with being a fan of the series myself when I heard there was gonna be a whole new cast I was like, Oh really? Like, you know, cause-

L: Yeah

O: You know everyone got to know the first cast pretty well

L: Yeah

O: And then with Kaya being the only one who was brought over, it must have been you know…but I was thinking myself, but actually it pulled off really well, didn’t it? And then no doubt it was a lot of hard work, did you have a good laugh like working with the series though?

L: Yeah, it’s the best job in the world when you get to spend six months, you get to move out of home basically. Yeah, you get to meet loads of new people that you get on really well with and just spend all day and all night with them

O: Nice yeah.

L: (couldn’t ask for anything more so???) The hours are long but you can’t really complain.

O: Yeah, of course. Has acting always been your thing? Because, you know like half the people who like actually fall into acting accidently, don’t they? Whereas there’s –

L: Yeah..

O: Others who spend all of their lives leading up to it.

L: Um, not-- I wouldn’t say all of my life. I’d say quite a bit of it. I really wanted to be the –a director before. I wanted to be the director for [Top of the Pop] (cute little laugh[cll])

O: Alright.

L: But that didn’t work.

O: Alright, fair enough. Well this seems to have worked out alright for you though, ain’t it?

L: Uuh, so far so good. But…you never know.

O: Well, Ben’s got a quick question for you actually. With regards to how things are going.

B: Hi Lily, how’s it going?

L: Hello. I’m good. How are you?

B: I’m not too bad. I was YouTube yesterday, as I am every day, and um..

L: (cll)

B: And, um…basically I searched for yourself and also Kathryn Prescott, who plays Emily—

L: Yes.

B: And there’s literally thousands of videos – compilation clips of like all the—

L: (cll)

B: Like music videos of like Naomi and Emily’s love story and there’s

L: Ehh yeah…

B: And have you seen, have you managed to see any of them?

L: I have actually! (cll)

B: Yeah and…

L: I watched a few. I haven’t watched all of them though.

B: I watched a few. The views are literally in the tens of thousands as well and

L: Reeeally?

B: Yeah no honestly there’s like, one of them is literally like twenty-five, thirty thousand people have watched it. And—

L: Wow…

B: And, and what do you think of that? Like the whole idea of being a celebrity or like a cult figure if you will?

L: Um…it’s really weird, I mean I’ve never wanted to be a celebrity, I still don’t. It is quite hard – you say you want to be an actor, but you don’t want to be a celebrity. You have some people, you get people that think you just want to do it for the attention, but I really don’t. I mean I’m grateful for all the fans, because they’re so nice, and they, you know the ones that we have, they’re really nice to us and they love us and… It is really nice. It’s a bit daunting as well

B: Yeah.

L: Because I don’t want to let anyone down with..

B: Yeah.

L: the next series and stuff.

B: yeah, I was gonna say, can you shed any light on the next series? Or is it still pretty hush hush?

L: Oh I wish I could. But, well, we start filming in July.

B: Oh really? That soon?

L: yeah, but we – they don’t tell us anything. We’re the last people to know about the storylines. I didn’t even know Naomi was gonna be gay until like my episode got sent in. I didn’t know anything.

B: Is it—

L: Yeah, we’re the last ones to know. (cll)

B: Is it really like quick then? It’s sort of like oh yeah you’re filming next week, by the way here’s your script. Is it sort of like that? Or--

L: Yeah.

B: Really…

L: It is, because they’re writing the scripts, cause they do like six, seven drafts, and we take about four weeks to film two episodes, so my final script didn’t come in about two weeks into filming it.

B: Really?

L: Yeah (cll) By then, I gathered she might be a bit gay. Luckily I didn’t mind.

B: I was gonna say, I mean this was like your first sort of acting role on TV and you had to like kiss a girl—

L: And more! (gll)

B: And more as well, yeah

L: (cll)

B: And was like like a really like scary thing or did you just think, ah, all in a day’s work sort of thing? Give it a shot.

L: Well, no, I’m gonna admit, it was scary because there’s forty odd guys there standing by. You have to remember that it’s not just us two, there are about forty people standing behind that camera – watching. When me and Kat did that scene, we didn’t know most of them, because we were by a lake and we had loads of extra technicians for safety. So there’s all these guys, and we’re in the middle of the woods and we have to do this love scene. It was scary but, probably mostly, it was just weird.

B: Yeah I can imagine.

L: Probably be the weirdest thing I’ve ever done in my life.

B: Well, what did Kathryn think about it? Was she kinda more little bit more sort of –uh

L: Oh Kathryn loves it. She was with me. No, I’m only joking. Um, she was pretty scared as well. She, I think we both felt the same way. We were both a bit like, uhhhh, let’s get it over and done with and not ever talk about it again. (cll)

B: A lot of people have like – there’s a few pictures like of you guys, you and Kathryn, at like award ceremonies –

L: Mmh

B: And you’re just sort of looking at each other there, and there’s all these comments on like uh, or like Google images – did you see the way they’re looking at each other? Do you see the way they’re looking at each other?

L: (cll)

B: And it’s like, it’s not real. It’s not real guys. It’s not real.

L: It’s really not, we’re just good mates. (cll)

O: It’s not (???) people going proper obsessive with it?

L: Yeah, it’s odd. But at least they’re being nice. I mean it could be a lot worse.

B: Yeah I was gonna say, I mean there’s like, they also set up personal Myspaces for you didn’t they?

L: Oh for Naomi?

B: Yeah for like Naomi and all the other characters. And um, I went on that the other day, there’s literally like hundreds of comments saying you are amazing, you are beautiful, and people actually-

L: Reeally? I haven’t been on it, actually.

B: You need to go, cause it’s really

L: I should go on it.

B: People are – seriously it’s quite – if you need a bit of an ego boost

O: Half of them are written by Ben.

L: (cll)

B: I’ve I’ve gotta say, I haven’t added you actually, but, seriously there’s literally hundreds of comments from like these kids saying how much they admire your character and how much your character is sort of like meant to them as like obviously like young girls that are kinda of troubled with their kind of whole sexuality thing

L: Yeah

B: Do you feel kind of proud that Skins is a show that even though it is quite sort of fantastical and it’s not, it’s a bit over exaggerated, there are some very kind of realistic elements in there, do you kinda think that’s a good thing?

L: Yeah, yeah. That’s why I really like my storyline. I mean I was in a club and these two girls came up to me and they actually said you know watching your storyline actually made us come out to each other and now we’re dating. And I was like oh my god! That’s amazing. I’m really happy for you.

B: That’s great.

L: I mean it is a bit over the top but then you have to think, it is a TV show. If it was completely realistic, it would be boring and no one would want to watch it.

B: Yeah exactly yeah. Definitely. Anyway. Thanks very much Lily. I’m gonna pass you over to Olly. Because I’ve been hogging the headphones now.

L: (cll) Okay.

B: But cheers. Thanks very much for talking to me.

L: Okay. Bye.

B: Bye

O: I was missing the sound of your voice.

L: Aww. (cll)

O: Right. Okay, so – aside from, because no doubt you constantly get asked about Skins this, Skins that, Skins this, Skins that—

L: Uhhh

O: What’s on in the life of Lily Loveless aside from that at the moment?

L: Uh, not much. I wish I could be really exciting and say yeah, I’m filming this and I’m filming that, but to be honest I’m not. I went through the long process of changing agents. And also I’m quite enjoying being a bum at the minute.

O: I wish.

L: (cll)

O: The problem is, I’m either one extreme or the other—

L: Yes! Exactly yeah.

O: Absolutely nothing or loads at once like it’s really hard to have this medium, ain’t it?

L: It is, well I just spent six months you know with like twelve hour days, and worked some days sometimes, I mean when we did the trailer, that was seventeen hour days. I do stuff. But nothing like that.

O: And then what? And you were just saying that the filming of the next series starts soon then doesn’t it?

L: Yep. It starts…I think thirteenth of July or something. But we’ll probably be down before that for rehearsals and blah blah blah

O: And is that due to be hitting the screens, be after Christmas probably, wouldn’t it?

L: Yeah, I think it would be in the new year. (cll)

O: And so you’re all—

L: It takes us five months of filming.

O: Oh right that’s -

L: And then they’ve got to edit it. So it takes ages.

O: Takes a long, long time. All that work that you do the set, does that restrict your personal life at all?

L: Yes (cll) It does. I mean, you’re down all week and you’re filming.

O: Yeah. You’re from good ole London, aren’t ya? So,

L: Yeah. Good ole London. Londoner.

O: Good ole London Town.

L: Yeah I am. I’m from East London Town. (cll)

O: But do you come home as much as you can? Like, cause it must be quite hard for ya?

L: Well, I come home went I have to do something or when I actually have the energy because it is so tiring.

O: Yeah.

L: So I do come home a lot of the weekends. But you get home about twelve, you go to sleep and then you are back on the train the next day to go back to Bristol.

O: Yeah of course so.

L: So, you don’t really get to see anyone.

O: Cause Bristol is a bit of a trek away, yeah.

L: But it’s exciting. It’s something different, isn’t it?

O: Yeah, of course. You might as well enjoy it.

L: It’s not boring. (cll)

O: No doubt. There’s basically there’s been a rumor going about some sort of a Skins movie, is there anything you can sneakily tell us about that?

L: Um, yeah, I’ve heard about that. I don’t know what’s going on. But if they did it, they better ask me to be in it. Otherwise-- I think they’re in early, early talks with Film4.

O: Ah, right okay.

L: But we have no idea whether they’re gonna do it or not.

O: They’re keeping you in the dark just to not get your hopes up in case it didn’t end up happening

L: No idea

O: Thanks very much for that! How we’re gonna finish – we were thinking of a funny question to finish it off with.

B: Ah yeah yeah.

O: I couldn’t think of anything at all, cause everything I came up with was really stupid and I got stupid looks

L: Okay

O: So uh… Ben’s got one for ya.

B: Laughs

L: Okay (cll)

B: Alright, if you – sorry –

L: Okay

B: If you were a kangaroo what would you keep in your pouch?

L: Uh huh.

B: And why?

L: (cll) Um, I could go for a really soppy answer or I could go for a better answer…

O: Give us both.

B: Yeah. Both.

L: What would I keep in my pouch?

O: yeah. I know it’s a difficult one innit?

L: That’s was a good question!

O: I actually don’t know what I’d keep—

L: I’d probably keep, well, I’d try and fit a TV in there, because I’m a bit of a TV addict.

O: Right, okay, fair enough. How about the softie side of you?

L: My boyfriend. (cll)

O: Uhhh

B: We’re crushed now.

O: We’re crushed, we’re crushed

L: I mean! I mean, I’d keep Kat in there. I mean Kat. Sorry. Kathryn Prescott.

B: I’m obsessed.

L: yeah of course.

B: I mean literally obsessed. It’s quite bad.

L: (cll)

O: Yeah you’ll have to say that you spoke…next time you speak to her.

L: I was with her – no, not last night, the night before. Her fans are mad. They’re obsessed with her. It’s not fair, where are mine? I’m only joking.

O: Oh believe me, you’ve got fans, don’t worry. We KNOW. Alright well um, thank you very much for that, Lily. You’ve been great.

L: Thank you.

O: You’ve heard this all on HCR 92.3. Yeah, I hope things all go well for you in Skins and I hope that you enjoy the twins birthday.

L: When it comes up.

O; Yeah. Don’t worry we were hardcore followers of it. And uh, yeah, tell the twins that we said happy birthday.

L: Okay I will.

EDIT: Oops, I forgot to give credit to the transcriber, Jon B. He's not a member on here, but I didn't want it to seem like I spent the hours it probably took to do this.

in questa intervista Lily Loveless...dice che le riprese della 4a Stagione inizieranno a Luglio....e stanno ancora decidendo sul da farsi del film! :shifty:
view post Posted on 6/6/2009, 12:14

Oh mamma!!! Speriamo che facciano in fretta!! Io non vedo troppo l'ora che arrivi la quarta serie XDD e il film poi!!! Chissà se arriverà mai nelle nostre sale?
view post Posted on 6/6/2009, 12:37

Spero di siiiii!!!! Se no...esiste internet!! xdxd
Voglio la 4a stagioneeeeee voglio vedere cosa succedeeee ahah quì nemmeno la 3a è ancora andata in onda ahahah
view post Posted on 6/6/2009, 14:05

Se non arriva nelle nostre sale direi di organizzarci per andare a picchiare i membri delle associazioni cinematografiche
view post Posted on 6/6/2009, 19:47

sono daccordo però...ecco a me non conviene ahah voglio fare il Dams e poi lavorare nel mondo cinematografico o musicale o spettacolo xd(preferibilmente cretica giornalisica o cose del genere xd)
view post Posted on 6/6/2009, 20:17

cool! grande Parker :D
view post Posted on 6/6/2009, 20:30

xd è il mio piccolo sogno ma se penso razionalmente non so quanto possa funzionare,non si trova lavoro facilmente con la laurea al Dams ma forse ho una botticina dal figlio della migliore amica di mia madre che lavora nel mondo del cinema speriamo in bene xd
;miss momy
view post Posted on 20/6/2009, 14:05

Nooooo non vedo l'ora che arrivi la quarta..La voglio vedere! xD Speriamo sia fantastica con queste tre..
view post Posted on 20/6/2009, 18:12

Io scommetto di si :)
view post Posted on 20/6/2009, 18:23

9 replies since 6/6/2009, 12:05   248 views